Why Heart Attack Among Youth Getting Common in India?

The heart’s function is to pump the oxygenated blood to rest of the body. Apart from this, heart also regulates blood pressure and the speed of heart rate. Heart attack among youth in India is getting common due to lifestyle changes. Bad eating habits, poor sleep cycle, increased stress level, sitting jobs and lesser cardiovascular exercises are some of the responsible factor for heart attack.

Why youth in India is getting heart attack?

Why heart attack is increasing among youngsters?

It’s true that we all take our health for granted for so long until we couldn’t anymore. But let’s face the truth, our own created lifestyle is responsible for the diseases and health conditions spacing up in our body. There are so many things we consciously or unconsciously doing without knowing the consequences-

  1. High Sugar Food Consumption

High blood sugar levels can damage your blood vessels and this may lead to fat deposition in the arteries. Such condition initiates blockages, which is known as atherosclerosis. Moreover, this condition leads to obesity, which is another common health issue among youngsters after diabetes.

“Patients with type 2 diabetes are at high risk of heart diseases. The risk of getting cardiovascular problems doubles when the person has diabetes regardless of his/her age. The reason is elevated blood sugar levels and the damaged blood vessels and nerves connected to the heart. Diabetics are prone to heart attack, hypertension, and obesity,” says Ankita Mahajan, Naturopath and founder of Yogymummy.

  • Tobacco consumption

When a cigarette gets burned, it releases more than 7,000 chemicals. Breathing in those toxic fumes can damage your body, and your heart. It is not necessary to smoke a cigarette to gunk up your arteries with plaque buildup. This can happen to you even if you are not a smoker. Smoking alters your blood chemistry and makes it harder for blood to flow smoothly inside the nerves and arteries. You are unconsciously inhaling these fumes if you are at public places every other day, where someone or multiple people are smoking around you. This will trouble your system and increase your risk of a blockage causing a stroke.

  • Modern Lifestyle

No wonder modern lifestyle has introduced much advancement, but at the cost of sedentary habits, poor dietary choices, and elevated stress and anxiety. This is the major reason why youth of India is now more prone to unhealthy habits like smoking, alcoholic, inactive living, high calorie and high sugar food intake, processed and packaged food consumption, etc. Due to poor time management, youngsters fail to provide themselves a good nurturing environment and this is causing them stress and anxiety. Due to poor eating habits, their body remains unprepared for the changes brought by processed foods and thus, the body fails to manage created stress and stroke happens.

Which healthy habits are good for heart health?

Youth at risk of heart attack in India should adapt lifestyle changes and focus more on their health by considering these following healthy habits –

  1. Plant based diet – Nature has given a colorful bunch of fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, seeds, and nuts that you can include in your diet. These foods have all essential nutrients that our body easily absorbs and supports heart health.
  2. Healthy fats – The mayonnaise and other fatty sauces you are having with your processed food won’t give you healthy fats! It is best to choose almonds, walnuts, groundnuts, olive oil, desi ghee, to lower bad cholesterol levels and diminish inflammation in the body.
  3. Cut down processed food and salt intake – Lesser processed food and salt intake will help maintain healthy blood pressure levels. You can always elevate the flavor of your dish by sprinkling herbs and spices that support heart health.
  4. Hydration – Count your water intake because water helps detox your body. All the sodium, sugar, and cholesterol buildup inside your body needs to get flushed out every day and water do it with an ease.
  5. Yoga – Yoga definitely helps in achieving good heart health. Practice more cardiovascular yoga to gain stronger heart muscles.

Is there any sign your heart gives before stroke?

Youth suffered from heart attack have shared their experiences and told about chest pain, discomfort in the hands and difficulty in breathing, cold sweats, and nausea before getting a stroke.

Which Yoga Poses Help Maintain Heart Health?

Various inversions and bending postures can regulate your blood flow and enhance the heart function. Some yoga postures to boost functionality of your heart are as under-

Mountain pose

Forward head to toe bending pose

Chair pose

Front leg lower lunge

Yogymummy provides prenatal and therapy yoga classes online and offline. You can book your session for cardiovascular health by connecting at 7015620060!

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  1. admin

    Thank you!

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